Saturday, 7 April 2012

Easter labours

Well the Turkish meal was a huge success and worth all the work (over 2 days!). The salads were perfect as' left overs' for the vegetarians at a gathering the next day, the extra day often intensifies the flavour anyway. At lunch we talked a lot about food.  I have been given a lovely vegetarian book called Plenty and had spotted a beautiful Moroccan Carrot & Orange salad, it was highly recommended and is next on the menu agenda, possibly when my daughter comes to stay!
In the meantime I have been given about 10kg of Quinces. I remember having Quince jam as a child (and not really liking the flavour or texture) will attempt to make Quince paste (lovely with cheese) for the first time ever, in fact any sort of paste for that matter. The donor of the Quinces also gave me the recipe, it involves standing and stirring for 2-3 hours (watching for hot spits from the mixture!) I have visions of reading my book while keeping an eye out to avoid the dangerous missiles, could be interesting. The recipe includes lots of tips on how to make it set, I'm nervous as I want to ensure my labour is worth it and my friends and family get to enjoy the result (and of course like it), wish me luck!

1 comment:

becky_tee said...

Try as many new foods out on me as you like, I'm hoping the good at cooking gene kicks in for me soon- my family would be grateful!