Tuesday 3 July 2012

Mums special savoury cheese on toast

It really is 'cheese on toast weather' here. When I first moved to the Capital I was sure they never had a winter, mmmmmm - I was more than a bit wrong, it has been freezing lately!  While the sun tries to shines now and then, the chilling wind and rain definitely says it is Winter and you crave for comfort food. I was reminded recently of mums special savoury cheese on toast. She was a demon at making something from 'bits' in the cupboard and fridge. This snack was one of her specialities, real comfort food and easy to 'whip up' for a hungry family. Also good for calming the nerves from shaking terra firma!
The ingredients listed below will make enough for 4 slices of bread, it is perfect for lunch along with a cup of soup, or cut into fingers for 'take a plate moments'! I also use the mixture for little bread party savouries.
Savoury Cheese on Toast
Beat 1 egg, add 3/4 cup of tasty grated cheese, four slices of ham finely chopped, about 1 tbsp chopped chives or finely chopped spring onions and salt and pepper. You could use finely chopped bacon but it is best to fry it a little first, finely chopped salami is ok too. I don't add fresh tomatoes as it makes the mixture a little sloppy, but sun dried tomatoes would be ok. Add finely chopped parsley and/or any finely chopped left over vegetables too, experiment a bit according to your tastes. A small dollop of relish mixed in or on the side is really nice as well!
Grill the bread on one side ( I prefer Burgen but any bread will do), spread the mixture on the other side and bake in a hot oven until the top is nicely browned and set  - about 10 minutes. Depending on how many you have to feed, the mixture can be made to go further by adding more eggs, cheese and the savoury ingredients.
Prepare yourself for "can I have another one Mum - pleeeease!"

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