Tuesday 8 May 2012

For the love of children and knitting

Now that I have more time on my hands I have rediscovered my love of knitting. Having so many little grandchildren, friends with grandchildren (and Mums who really appreciate woollen garments) I usually have a few projects on the go. It is so satisfying to see the little ones wearing a nice, warm, colourful, handmade natural product when they are at 'Kindy' or outside playing during the cooler months. 
However, one frustration for me has been finding patterns for plain easy to knit styles. I think the simple designs always look good and are the most practical for them to wear.
 A few weeks ago while browsing in my local Thrift Store I came across a whole bunch of patterns dating back to the 1930's - an absolute bargain at $5.00 for about 30 patterns! So 'thank you' to the person who dropped them off there, they have gone to a good home where a SRDG really appreciates them and of course the money 'donated' has gone to a good cause!

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