Wednesday 27 March 2013

Apples, plums, peaches and pioneer women

I can't help myself, I hate to see something nice wasted and if I can make something out of nothing I will give it a go. It is in my DNA and for those of you who knew my Mother well, you would entirely understand what I mean. I love to give gifts from my garden produce and cooking labours and I am always equally happy to receive them in return! This week has been full of funny little incidences that have resulted in such fabulous tasty gifts.
My sister-in-law gave me a jar labelled Free Plum jam, I thought it was a type of plum until it clicked! Silly me. She is a woman clearly in sync with my values and knew we would enjoy such a lovely 'free' tangy spread on our breakfast toast. Fabulous!
Chatting at the gate with my neighbour I noted her lovely little apple tree (once laden with large red apples) was now completely bare of fruit. The previous season I had carte blanche to help myself while minding the chooks and said the apples made a beautiful Tarte Tatin. My neighbour said for such a small tree that must have harvested at least 30 apples. Later in the day a bag full of the same beautiful cooking apples appeared at my door. I made a 'cheats' Tarte Tatin, baked in my small enamel dish. Fabulous!
'cheats' Tarte Tatin
Which leads me to another delight.
It can be said I am a very observant dog walker, mainly on the lookout for wild looking young frisky dogs who can make our dowager one very nervous and unfriendly. It was during one of these walks I noted a tree dropping peaches all over a steep grassy bank near the footpath. Not something you see much nowadays. Looking up, the tree was laden and I assumed someone would soon be picking them. Not so, and on a another daily circuit I could not help myself and quickly filled a bag of the windfalls to take home. Once all the bruised and grubby bits were chopped away and stones removed, a little raw sugar added, they boiled into two cups of delicious stewed peaches. One cup for Peach muffins, one cup drizzled with runny cream for dessert. Fabulous!
And to finish my funny week of tasty gifts, the last bits of harvest from my carrot and beetroot crop (pathetic due to lack of moisture) were roasted with balsamic vinegar and brown sugar, tossed with wild rocket and cherry tomatoes. It had to be one of the tastiest lunches I have made for myself in a while.
A few weeks ago during a discussion with a friend with an interest in Numerology, I was told I have had many incarnations - I am sure one of them was a Pioneer woman, always providing a meal for her family the best way she can!

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