Saturday 10 November 2012

Weet Bix Deluxe Slice

Most people in New Zealand have a box of Weet Bix in their pantry. I am not a great fan of the flakey cereals with milk etc as a breakfast option but I was told recently by one of our builders they are very popular with teenagers - his son eats 6 as a snack before dinner!  (I quite like them with a topping of margarine and Vegemite, although it has been a quite while since I have partaken in that particular snack). Anyway, we currently have renovations happening in our house so we have a number of builders that need feeding on a daily basis. On talking to a number of friends it confirms my understanding of the strong tradition in NZ that if you have tradesman working in your home it is the 'done thing' to provide a cuppa and cake etc for their morning and afternoon breaks. This I am happy to do, cos my feeling is if I show them the kindness and generosity by providing home baked goodies they will work harder (and better) and of course I do love to bake!
However.....I am currently working part time for a short term so my usual spare time is minimal. It has been an interesting week trying to juggle all the things I need to get done before I go to (and come home from) work! So far I have provided said builders with a Jo Seager Easy Fruit Cake, Jacqui's Cheese Puffs and Lesley's The Best Cheese Scones so I needed some more ideas of quick and easy cakes and slices etc. Then I remembered this quick and easy slice I used to make in the 1970's. I like it because it is simple, you would invariably have most ( if not all) of the ingredients in your pantry ready to go and because it is sort of healthy (not counting the sugar!) and you mix everything in one bowl and one pot. So the cake tins are full again ready to face another week.
I took a plate of this lovely slice to a Food Bloggers afternoon tea catch up and Libby said her mother had made the same slice in the 1970's, which was a really nice coincidence.
The Ritz cucumber sandwiches and strawberry custard tarts were divine, thank you ladies!
Weet Bix de Luxe SliceL.L.Hay, Edgecombe - from the NZ Radio and Television Cookbook -  Pub. 1974
3 weet bix - crushed  
1 cup flour
1 cup coconut 
 ¾ cup sugar 
1 tsp baking powder 
125g melted butter 
½ of 400g tin sweetened condensed milk  
1 tbsp butter  
1 ½ tbsp golden syrup  
Chocolate icing (made with melted butter)

Place all dry ingredients in bowl. Mix in melted butter and press into a sponge roll tin.
Cook in oven at 180°C for 15 minutes.
Stir condensed milk, butter, golden syrup together in a pot over a load heat until blended.
Pour over base and return to oven for 3 minutes.
Ice while still warm with the chocolate icing.
Cut into squares when icing set, (you will need a clean sharp knife for this).

Ritz cucumber sandwiches, strawberry tarts and Weet Bix Deluxe slice

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